From biscuits to tiramisu to give a smile

Biscuits, cream, creativity and, above all, joy. ‘Regala un sorriso’ (‘Give a smile’) is the initiative which F. Divella S.p.A. is joining on the celebrations of the Redentore di Bari’s oratory dedicated to St. Giovanni Bosco. On 29th January, starting from 5 p.m. under the porch of the oratory, Divella Corporate Chef is organising a pastry workshop. A sweet afternoon dedicated to 40 minors from the Libertà district who attend the oratory every day. F. Divella S.p.A is pursuing this social purpose to involve young people –  most of them are minors who live socialization problems and are often exposed to marginalization and deviance. The project started in collaboration with the Redentore Oratory, which offers study and prayer courses as well as workshops in the context of educational prevention intended for minors, especially the most fragile ones. The courses are inspired by the ‘Preventive System of Don Bosco’ through which every educator becomes a constant point of reference for young people’s growth and education. “Since over a year now” – explains Mr. Domenico Divella – “we decided to support social initiatives of this kind because we believe that they are fundamental in a delicate social moment such as the one we are experiencing. Being together is the only way to overcome the difficulties we are experiencing in every field. This time we will be working alongside children to give them seeds of hope for a better future than the one we are experiencing.” The pastry workshop is organised in compliance with the current anti-Covid regulations. “The initiative of F. Divella S.p.A and the mission of the Redentore oratory undoubtedly combine well in the ‘holiness recipe’ so dear to Don Bosco.” – explains Father Francesco Preite, director of the Istituto Salesiano Redentore – “This is the path we must follow to educate our young people and help them to grow respecting the rules and the education they received. This is a mission that can get difficult to accomplish but it brings extraordinary results.

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